John Tod: Rebel in the Ranks |
Belyk, Robert C.
1995 |
Horsdal & Schubart Publishers
Blackfeet and Palefaces: The Pikani and Rocky Mountain House |
Arima, Eugene Y.
1995 |
Golden Dog Press
Voyages: Canada's Heritage Rivers |
1995 |
Breakwater Books
The King of Baffin Land |
Parsons, John, and Burton K. Janes.
1996 |
Creative Book Publishing
Prophecy of the Swan: The Upper Peace River Fur Trade of 1794-1823 |
Burley, David V., and J. Scott Hamilton and Knut R. Fladmark.
1996 |
UBC Press
The Lifeline of the Oregon Country: The Fraser-Columbia Brigade System, 1811-47 |
Gibson, James R.
1997 |
UBC Press
First Across the Continent: Sir William Mackenzie |
Gough, Barry.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
Servants of the Honourable Company: Work, Discipline, and Conflict in the Hudson's Bay Company, 1770-1879 |
Burley, Edith I.
1997 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Trading Beyond the Mountains: The British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843 |
Mackie, Richard Somerset.
1997 |
UBC Press
Trading Beyond the Mountains: The British Fur Trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843 |
Mackie, Richard Somerset.
1997 |
UBC Press
Superior Illusions |
Pope, Richard.
1998 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
The Fort Langley Journals |
1998 |
UBC Press
Indians in the Fur Trade |
Ray, Arthur J.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Columbia Journals |
Thompson, David.
1998 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Columbia Journals |
Thompson, David.
1998 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Indians in the Fur Trade |
Ray, Arthur J.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Fur Trade Wars: The Founding of Western Canada |
Bumsted, J.M.
1999 |
Great Plains Publications
The Fur Trade in Canada. 3rd ed. |
Innis, Harold A.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
The Canoe in Canadian Cultures |
1999 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Fortune and La Tour: The Civil War in Acadia. 2nd ed. |
MacDonald, M.A.
2000 |
Nimbus Publishing
A Year Inland: The Journal of a Hudson's Bay Company Winterer |
Henday, Anthony.
2000 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The Trade |
Stenson, Fred.
2000 |
Douglas & McIntyre
This Blessed Wilderness: Archibald McDonald's Letters from the Columbia, 1822-44 |
McDonald, Archibald.
2001 |
UBC Press
From Rupert's Land to Canada |
2001 |
University of Alberta Press
First Crossing: Alexander Mackenzie, His Expedition Across North America, and the Opening of the Continent |
Hayes, Derek.
2001 |
Douglas & McIntyre