Prophecy of the Swan: The Upper Peace River Fur Trade of 1794-1823


213 pages
Contains Photos, Illustrations, Maps, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-7748-0544-7
DDC 971.1'87





Reviewed by Joseph Leydon

Joseph Leydon teaches geography at the University of Toronto.


The title of this book refers to Makenunatane, a powerful dreamer or
Swan chief of the Beaver tribe who prophesied the coming of the
Europeans and the fur trade. Histories of the fur trade have relied
heavily on evidence derived from the journals kept by officers of
trading posts. However, such journals exist for only part of the period
for which the trading posts were operational, and they are biased in
that they record only the officers’ observations. Historical research
and archeological investigation can overcome some of these problems. It
is the combination of history and archeology that makes this book

In their archeological excavations, the authors uncovered such
artefacts as animal bones, glass beads, parts of guns, silver ornaments,
tobacco pipes, and the remains of fort buildings. Through analysis and
interpretation of these artefacts, and assisted by the historical
record, they have woven a colorful picture of life in the trading posts
of British Columbia’s Upper Peace River that provides insights into
the lives of the traders, their accommodations, their hardships, and the
social hierarchy of the fur trade. Further, these artifacts have yielded
evidence on animal populations and the diversity of animal species in
the region. Traditional issues, such as the rivalry between the North
West Company and the Hudson’s Bay Company and the fascinating
fur-trade networks, are also explored.

Prophecy of the Swan is more than a history; it is also the story of an
archeological project and an excellent example of an interdisciplinary
study. The authors have an obvious passion for their research, and their
well-written narrative makes the history come alive. The photographs and
reconstruction diagrams that accompany the text help readers to
visualize the trading forts and the excavation project. This book is a
model history of the fur trade.


Burley, David V., and J. Scott Hamilton and Knut R. Fladmark., “Prophecy of the Swan: The Upper Peace River Fur Trade of 1794-1823,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 19, 2024,