The Bre-X Fraud |
Goold, Douglas, and Andrew Willis.
1997 |
McClelland & Stewart
Riska: Memories of a Dayak Girlhood |
Sari, Riska Orpa.
1999 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Inside the East Timor Resistance |
Pinto, Constâncio, and Matthew Jardine.
1997 |
James Lorimer & Co.
From Down the Other Side: A Seventeen-Year Journey of Discovery and Observation |
Hausknost, Helmut
2009 |
Fools' Gold: The Making of a Global Market Fraud |
Hutchinson, Brian.
1998 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Complicity: Human Rights and Canadian Foreign Policy-the Case of East Timor |
Scharfe, Sharon.
1996 |
Black Rose Books
Complicity: Human Rights and Canadian Foreign Policy-the Case of East Timor |
Scharfe, Sharon.
1996 |
Black Rose Books
Bre-X: The Inside Story |
Francis, Diane.
1997 |
Key Porter Books