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University of Alberta Press
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Enabling Solutions for Sustainable Living: A Workshop. |
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University of Toronto Press
Indy Dreams and Urban Nightmares: Speed Merchants, Spectacle, and the Struggle Over Public Space in the World-Class City |
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University of Toronto Press
Passages: Explorations of the Contemporary City |
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University of Calgary Press
Planning the New Suburbia: Flexibility by Design |
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Reconstructing Kobe: The Geography of Crisis and Opportunity |
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Penguin Books Canada
The Drama of Democracy: Contention and Disput in Community Planning |
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University of Toronto Press
The Drama of Democracy: Contention and Disput in Community Planning |
Grant, Jill.
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University of Toronto Press
The New City: How the Crisis of Canada's Cities Is Reshaping Our Nation. |
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Penguin Group Canada
The Shape of the Suburbs: Understanding Toronto's Sprawl. |
Sewell, John.
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University of Toronto Press
The Shape of the Suburbs: Understanding Toronto's Sprawl. |
Sewell, John.
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University of Toronto Press
Thinking, Planning and Urbanism. |
Milroy, Beth Moore.
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UBC Press
Thinking, Planning and Urbanism. |
Milroy, Beth Moore.
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Unbuilt Toronto: A History of the City That Might Have Been. |
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Dundurn Press
Urban Structure-Halifax: An Urban Design Approach |
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