The Island of Seven Cities: Where the Chinese Settled When They Discovered North America |
Chiasson, Paul.
2006 |
Random House of Canada
Cape Breton Weather Watching for the Natural Curious. |
Danielson, Bill.
2007 |
Cape Breton University Press
Seven Miles Deep: Mining Faces from the Owen Fitzgerald Collection. |
Fitzgerald, Owen.
2007 |
Cape Breton University Press
The Cabot Trail |
Harley, David A.
1997 |
Steel Town Publishing
Active Partners: Education and Local Development |
MacIntyre, Gertrude Anne.
1995 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
Causeway: A Passage from Innocence |
MacIntyre, Linden.
2006 |
HarperCollins Publishers
Islands of Ghosts: Folklore and Strange Tales of the Supernatural from Cape Breton |
Samson, David Lloyd.
1992 |
Lancelot Press
Tokens of Grace: Cape Breton's Open-Air Communion Tradition. |
Stanley-Blackwell, Laurie.
2006 |
Cape Breton University Press
A Voyage to Newfoundland |
Thoulet, Julien.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Perspectives on Communities: A Community Economic Development Roundtable |
1998 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
The Centre of the World at the Edge of the Continent |
1996 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton. |
2007 |
McGill-Queen's University Press