Search Results

55 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
MacGuigan, Mark. 2002 University of Calgary Press
Marchand, Len. 2000 Caitlin Press
Gibson, Gordon, and Carol Renison. 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
Forsey, Eugene A. 2000 University of Toronto Press
Paikin, Steve. 2001 Penguin Books Canada
Klassen, Henry C. 2001 University of Calgary Press
Kierans, Eric, with Walter Stewart. 2001 Stoddart Publishing
Pullen, Charles. 1994 Dundurn Press
Pickersgill, J.W. 1994 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Scott, Ian, with Neil McCormick. 2001 Stoddart Publishing
Bouchard, Lucien. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
Climenhaga, David J. 1995 Detselig Enterprises
Grafftey, Heward. 1996 Véhicule Press
Foster, Franklin. 1996 Foster Learning
Campbell, Kim. 1996 Doubleday Canada
Rea, J.E. 1997 McGill-Queen's University Press
Mackey, Lloyd. 1997 ECW Press
Harcourt, Mike, with Wayne Skene. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
Darke, Eleanor. 1997 Natural Heritage/Natural History
Dabbs, Frank. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
Crosbie, John C., with Geoffrey Stevens. 1997 McClelland & Stewart
Williston, Eileen, and Betty Keller. 1997 Caitlin Press
Stewart, W. Brian. 1997 Carleton University Press
Charest, Jean. 1998 Pierre Tisseyre Editions
Chodos, Robert, Rae Murphy, and Eric Hamovitch. 1998 James Lorimer & Co.