Search Results

84 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Henderson, Bob. 2005 Natural Heritaga/Natural History
Savage, Candance. 2004 Douglas & McIntyre
Hayes, Derek. 2004 Douglas & McIntyre
Hayes, Derek. 2004 Douglas & McIntyre
Spry, Irene M. 1993 Canadian Plains Research Center
Neering, Rosemary. 1993 Whitecap Books
Peterson, Jan. 1992 Oolichan Books
Wadden, Marie. 1991 Douglas & McIntyre
Cruikshank, Julie. 1991 Douglas & McIntyre
1991 Canadian Museum of Civilization
Stephenson, Marylee. 1991 Prentice-Hall Canada
Pannekoek, Frits. 1991 Watson & Dwyer
Coates, Kenneth S. 1990 Oxford University Press Canada
Gayton, Don. 1990 Fifth House
Choyce, Lesley. 2002 Goose Lane Editions
Hollihan, Tony. 2001 Lone Pine Publishing
Hollihan, Tony. 2002 Lone Pine Publishing
Hayes, Derek. 2002 Douglas & McIntyre
Hermer, Joe. 2002 University of Toronto Press
Shields, Ed. 2001 Heritage House Publishing
MacEachern, Alan. 2001 McGill-Queen's University Press
MacDonald, Graham. 2000 University of Calgary Press
Burns, Robert J., and Mike Schintz. 2000 University of Calgary Press
Bondar, Roberta. 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
McGhee, Robert. 2001 McGill-Queen's University Press