Search Results

79 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Hildebrandt, Walter. 1994 Canadian Plains Research Center
Holt, Faye Reineberg. 1999 Fifth House
Holt, Faye Reineberg. 1999 Fifth House
Holt, Faye Reineberg. 1999 Fifth House
Holt, Faye Reineberg. 1999 Fifth House
Holt, Faye Reineberg. 1998 Fifth House
Isern, Thomas D. 1982 Western Producer Prairie Books
Jaccard, Mark, John Nyboer, and Bryn Sadownik. 2002 UBC Press
Jones, Harlo. 1995 University of Manitoba Press
Langford, Nanci. 1997 Detselig Enterprises
Laycock, David. 1990 University of Toronto Press
Laycock, David. 1990 University of Toronto Press
Leier, Mark. 1999 New Star Books
Leier, Mark. 1995 University of Toronto Press
Leier, Mark. 1995 University of Toronto Press
McInnis, Peter S. 2002 University of Toronto Press
McInnis, Peter S. 2002 University of Toronto Press
Melnyk, George. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Morton, Desmond. 1998 McGill-Queen's University Press
Mysyk, Avis. 2000 Canadian Plains Research Center
Payton, B.A., 2000 Douglas & McIntyre
Phillips, David. 1998 Key Porter Books
Piffko, Karen. 2000 Heritage House Publishing
Rennie, Bradford James. 2000 University of Toronto Press
Rennie, Bradford James. 2000 University of Toronto Press