Search Results

43 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Marples, David R. 1996 University of Alberta Press
Blades, Kent. 1995 Nimbus Publishing
Aspinall, Craig. 1995 Harbour Publishing
Hood, George N. 1994 Fifth House
1994 The Fraser Institute
Fawcett, Ruth. 1994 McGill-Queen's University Press
McKenzie-Brown, Peter. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Breen, David H. 1993 University of Alberta Press
1993 Earthscan Canada
Robinson, Terry. 1992 Jesperson Press
Kennett, Steven A. 1992 Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
McCutcheon, Sean. 1991 Black Rose Books
1991 University of Waterloo Press
McCutcheon, Sean. 1991 Black Rose Books
Wills, Jonathan. 1991 Institute of Social and Economic Research
Howard, Ross. 1991 Stoddart Publishing
Sims, Gordon H.E. 1990 University of Ottawa Press
1990 University of Waterloo Press