Between War and Peace in Central America: Choices for Canada |
1990 |
Between the Lines
Orphans of the Storm: Peacebuilding for Children of War |
Walker, John R.
1993 |
Between the Lines
Between War and Peace in Central America: Choices for Canada |
1990 |
Between the Lines
Civilization and Its Discontented |
Laffey, John F.
1993 |
Black Rose Books
Civilization and Its Discontented |
Laffey, John F.
1993 |
Black Rose Books
The Coming of World War Three, Volume 1: From Protest to Resistance/The International War System |
Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I.
1986 |
Black Rose Books
No More: The Battle Against Human Rights Violations |
Matas, David.
1994 |
Dundurn Press
The Rainbow Warrior Affair |
Shears, Richard, and Isobelle Gidley
1986 |
Canadian Churches and Foreign Policy |
1990 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Canadian Churches and Foreign Policy |
1990 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Shadows of War, Faces of Peace: Canada's Peacekeepers |
Granatstein, J.L.
1992 |
Key Porter Books
Nuremberg Forty Years Later: The Struggle against Injustice in Our Time |
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Making of Canadian Food Aid Policy |
Charlton, Mark W.
1992 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Making of Canadian Food Aid Policy |
Charlton, Mark W.
1992 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Nuremberg Forty Years Later: The Struggle against Injustice in Our Time |
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Nuclear Fallacies: How We Have Been Misguided Since Hiroshima |
Malcolmson, Robert W.
1985 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
It Was, It Was Not: Essays and Art on the War Against Iraq |
1992 |
New Star Books
Mosaic or Patchwork: Canadian Policy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s |
Clark, Andrew.
1991 |
North-South Institute
Talking Peace: The Women's International Peace Conference |
MacPhee, Susan C.
1990 |
Ragweed Press
Dead-end Democracy? |
Leclerc, Yves.
1994 |
Robert Davies Publishing
Freedom from Violence: Sectarian Nonresistance from the Middle Ages to the Great War |
Brock, Peter.
1991 |
University of Toronto Press
Freedom from War: Nonsectarian Pacifism, 1814-1914 |
Brock, Peter.
1991 |
University of Toronto Press