The Ice Hunters: A History of Newfoundland Sealing to 1914 |
Ryan, Shannon.
1994 |
Breakwater Books
Louisbourg Heritage: From Ruins to Reconstruction |
MacLean, Terry.
1995 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
Hope and Deception in Conception Bay: Merchant-Settler Relations in Newfoundland, 1785-1855 |
Cadigan, Sean T.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Aspects of Louisbourg: Essays on the History of an Eighteenth-Century French Community in North America |
1995 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
People of the Bays and Headlands: Anthropological History and the Fate of Communities in the Unknown Labrador |
Kennedy, John C.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Hope and Deception in Conception Bay: Merchant-Settler Relations in Newfoundland, 1785-1855 |
Cadigan, Sean T.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
People of the Bays and Headlands: Anthropological History and the Fate of Communities in the Unknown Labrador |
Kennedy, John C.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Maritime Firsts: Historic Events, Inventions and Achievements |
Soucoup, Dan.
1996 |
Pottersfield Press
Place Names of Atlantic Canada |
Hamilton, William B.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
Life and Religion at Louisbourg, 1713-1758 |
Johnston, A.J.B.
1996 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Memory Is a Fickle Jade |
Guy, Raymond W.
1996 |
Creative Book Publishing
The Illustrated History of Canada. 3rd ed. |
1996 |
Lester Publishing
John Cabot and Newfoundland |
Williams, Alan.
1996 |
Newfoundland Historical Society
John Cabot and the Matthew |
Wilson, Ian.
1996 |
Breakwater Books
Wolfville and Grand Pré |
Cuthbertson, Brian.
1996 |
Formac Publishing Company
Captains, Mansions and Millionaires: The Remarkable Story of Maitland, Nova Scotia |
Hawkins, John.
1996 |
Lancelot Press
A History and Ethnography of the Beothuk |
Marshall, Ingeborg.
1996 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Place Names of Atlantic Canada |
Hamilton, William B.
1996 |
University of Toronto Press
1847, Grosse Ile: A Record of Daily Events |
Charbonneau, André, and André Sevigny.
1997 |
Canadian Government
A Register of Deceased Persons at Sea and on Grosse Ile in 1847 |
Charbonneau, André, and Doris Drolet-Dubé.
1997 |
Canadian Government
How Deep Is the Ocean? |
1997 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
Louisbourg |
Biagi, Susan.
1997 |
Formac Publishing Company
The First Nova Scotian |
Finnan, Mark.
1997 |
Formac Publishing Company
Newfoundland Souvenir |
de Visser, John.
1997 |
The Boston Mills Press
The People of New France |
Greer, Allan.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press