Buon Gusto! |
Clery, Val
1987 |
Macmillan of Canada
Cooking with a Touch of Class |
Yuskiw, Mona
1985 |
Centax of Canada
Food for All Seasons: Cooking for the Christian Year |
Hay, Anne, and Keith Whittingham
1987 |
Anglican Book Centre
Fresh Tarts |
Mendelson, Susan, and Deborah Roitberg
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Giggles to Gumdrops: Creative Birthday Party Ideas |
Grover, Kathleen, and Jeannie Kelts
1986 |
Giggles to Gumdrops Publishing
Good Food, Good Friends |
Cooper, Carol, and Huguette Khan
1984 |
Penguin Books Canada
Maintenance in the Year of ... |
Cruise, Stephen
1987 |
Coach House Press
Recent Paintings: December 13, 1984 to February 3, 1985 |
Spalding, Jeffery
1985 |
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Some Good!: Treasured Secrets from Nova Scotia's Favourite Country Restaurants |
Comfort, Judith
1985 |
Nimbus Publishing
The Noble Spud |
Wells, Judy, and Rick Johnson
1985 |
Penguin Books Canada