The Revenge of Annie Charlie |
Fry, Alan.
1990 |
Harbour Publishing
The Miraculous Hand |
Steinfeld, J.J.
1991 |
Ragweed Press
Catalogue Mart: Over 850 Canadian Sources for Shopping by Phone, Mail or Fax |
Malik, Anne.
1991 |
Centax Books
Shout and Speak Out Loud: Atlantic Canadians on Child Sexual Abuse |
1992 |
Wild East Publishing
The Landlady's Niece |
Phillips, Edward O.
1992 |
Seal Books
The Summer House: A Tradition of Leisure |
Cross, Amy Willard.
1992 |
HarperCollins Canada
Mumsahib: A Novel in Stories |
Montagnes, Anne.
1992 |
Goose Lane Editions
Property |
Diamond, Marc.
1992 |
Coach House Press
Prized Possessions |
Wright, L.R.
1993 |
Doubleday Canada
The Ecstasy Conspiracy |
Choyce, Lesley.
1993 |
NuAge Editions
The Prism Moon |
Bates, Martine.
1993 |
Red Deer College Press
Bryna Means Courage |
Dale, Mitzi.
1993 |
Groundwood Books
Becoming the Wealthy Woman |
Cimmer, Henry B., with Susan F. Blanchard.
1994 |
Springbank Publishing
The Retirement Answer Book |
Vaz-Oxlade, Gail.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Balancing Act: A Canadian Woman's Financial Survival Guide |
Yaccato, Joanne Thomas
1994 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
Art, the Art Community, and the Law |
1994 |
Self-Counsel Press
The Money Coach's Top Funds, 1995: A Winning Approach to Mutual Funds in Canada |
Young, Duff, and Riley Moynes.
1995 |
Copp Clark Longman
Top Funds, 1996 |
Young, Duff, with Riley Moynes.
1995 |
Copp Clark Longman
Chicken etc |
Paré, Jean.
1995 |
Company's Coming Publishing
Old and Smart: Women and the Adventure of Aging |
Nickerson, Betty.
1995 |
Harbour Publishing
The Whole Fam Damily |
Cameron, Anne.
1995 |
Harbour Publishing
Felicity Papers: Forgotten Voices of a Valley Town |
Smith, E. Russell.
1995 |
General Store Publishing House
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall: Stories |
Sandiford, Robert Edison.
1995 |
Empyreal Press
The Canadian Ethical Money Guide |
Ellmen, Eugene.
1996 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The 1997 Canadian Ethical Money Guide: The Best RRSPs, Mutual Funds and Stocks for Ethical Investors |
Ellmen, Eugene.
1996 |
James Lorimer & Co.