Nuvisavik: The Place Where We Weave |
2002 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Learning Japanese in the Network Society |
2002 |
University of Calgary Press
Global Goes Local: Popular Culture in Asia |
2002 |
UBC Press
Households of Faith: Family, Gender, and Community in Canada, 1760-1969 |
2002 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Persistence of the Gift: Tongan Tradition in Transnational Context |
Evans, Mike.
2001 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Couture and Commerce: The Transatlantic Fashion Trade in the 1950s |
Palmer, Alexander.
2001 |
UBC Press
Kungrobics: The Magic Six, Set 1 |
Simon, O.E.
2001 |
Golden Bell Publishing House
It's Not About Time!: Rediscovering Leisure in a Changing World |
Pavelka, Joe.
2000 |
Creative Bound Inc.
Clothed in Integrity: Weaving Just Cultural Relations and the Garment Industry |
Paleczny, Barbara.
2000 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Demanding Dignity: Women Confronting Economic Reforms in Africa |
2000 |
North-South Institute