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Oxford University Press Canada
Aboriginal Fishing Rights: Laws, Courts and Politics |
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Emptying Their Nets: Small Capital and Rural Industrialization in the Fishing Industry of Nova Scotia |
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University of Toronto Press
Emptying Their Nets: Small Capital and Rural Industrialization in the Fishing Industry of Nova Scotia |
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Fishing for Truth: A Sociological Analysis of Northern Cod Stock Assessments from 1977 to 1990 |
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Institute of Social and Economic Research
Land, Power, and Economics on the Frontier of Upper Canada |
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Salmon: The Decline of the British Columbia Fishery |
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Tangled Webs of History: Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries |
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University of Toronto Press
Tangled Webs of History: Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries |
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University of Toronto Press
The Land Between: Northwestern Ontario Resource Development, 1880 to the 1990s |
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University of Toronto Press
The Oceans are Emptying: Fish Wars and Sustainability |
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Black Rose Books
The Oceans are Emptying: Fish Wars and Sustainability |
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Voices from Off Shore: Narratives of Risk and Danger in the Nova Scotian Deep-Sea Fishery |
Binkley, Marian.
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Institute of Social and Economic Research