Louisbourg Portraits: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Garrison Town |
Moore, Christopher
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada
The Summer of 1744: A Portrait of Life in 18th-Century Louisbourg |
Johnston, A.J.B.
1983 |
National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, Environment Canada
Charles de Salaberry: Soldier of the Empire, Defender of Quebec |
Wohler, J. Patrick
1984 |
Dundurn Press
The Confessions of Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon |
Wilson, Robert
1984 |
Arsenal Editions
The Loyalists: Revolution, Exile, Settlement |
Moore, Christopher
1984 |
Macmillan of Canada
Kajualuk: Pierre Henry, Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, Apostle of the Inuit, 1904-1979; From Brittany to the Canadian North |
Choque, Charles
1985 |
The author
Skulking for the King: A Loyalist Plot |
Fraser, J.
1985 |
Boston Mills Press
Refuge: The Loyalists Come to Nova Scotia |
Hilchey, Doris
1985 |
Four East Publications
Greatest Hockey Stories |
Beddoes, Dick.
1990 |
Macmillan Canada
Hardball |
Bell, George.
1990 |
Key Porter Books
Can Bilingualism Work? Attitudes Toward Language Policy in New Brunswick |
Steele, Catherine.
1990 |
New Ireland Press
Red Line: The Soviets in the NHL |
Fischler, Stan.
1990 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec: The Perception of an Outsider |
1991 |
Carleton University Press
Making Adjustments: Change and Continuity in Planter Nova Scotia, 1759-1800 |
1991 |
Acadiensis Press
Even the Babe Came to Play: Small-Town Baseball in the Dirty 30s |
Ashe, Robert.
1991 |
Nimbus Publishing
The Home Front: Wartime Life in Camp Aldershot and Kentville, Nova Scotia |
Ripley, Donald F.
1991 |
Lancelot Press
Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec: The Perception of an Outsider |
1991 |
Carleton University Press
Letting the People Decide: Dynamics of a Canadian Election |
Johnston, Richard.
1992 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Afterlife of George Cartwright |
Steffler, John.
1992 |
McClelland & Stewart
Chosen: A Holocaust Memoir |
Berk, Eta Fuchs.
1992 |
Goose Lane Editions
Letting the People Decide: Dynamics of a Canadian Election |
Johnston, Richard.
1992 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation |
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
The Official NHL 1980s Quiz Book |
1993 |
McClelland & Stewart
The Atlantic Provinces in Confederation |
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
Years of Glory, 1942-1967: The National Hockey League's Official Book of the Six Team Era |
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart