The Little Band: The Clashes between the Communists and the Political and Legal Establishment in Canada, 1928-1932 |
Betcherman, Lita-Rose
1982 |
Canada's Party of Socialism: History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1921-1976 |
1982 |
Progress Books
How Effective Are Peace Movements? |
Overy, Bob
1982 |
Harvest House
The Solidarity Sourcebook |
1982 |
New Star Books
Social Democracy in Manitoba: A History of the CCF-NDP |
Wiseman, Nelson
1983 |
University of Manitoba Press
Jewish Ukrainian Relations: Two Solitudes |
Aster, Howard, and Peter J. Potichnyj
1983 |
Mosaic Press
Environmental Anarchy: The Insidious Destruction of Social Order; A Legacy of the Sixties |
Keenan, Charles J.
1984 |
Cappis Press
The Reflowering of Malaysian Islam: Modern Religious Radicals and Their Roots |
Nagata, Judith
1984 |
University of British Columbia Press
F.L.Q.: The Anatomy of an Underground Movement |
Fournier, Louis
1984 |
NC Press
The New Reality: The Politics of Restraint in British Columbia |
1984 |
New Star Books
Children of Privilege: Student Revolt in the Sixties: A Case Study of Student Movements in Canada, the United States, and West Germany |
Levitt, Cyril
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Inside the Gestapo: A Jewish Woman's Secret War |
Moszkiewicz, Helene
1985 |
Macmillan of Canada
"We Were the Salt of the Earth!": A Narrative of the On-to-Ottawa Trek and the Regina Riot |
Howard, Victor
1985 |
Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina
Latin America: At War with the Past |
Fuentes, Carlos
1985 |
CBC Enterprises
Soviet But Not Russian: The 'Other' Peoples of the Soviet Union |
Mandel, William M.
1985 |
The University of Alberta Press
Vancouver Entertains: A Menu Cookbook for Entertaining Recipes and Histories of Vancouver's Ethnic Communities |
1986 |
Whitecap Books in association with the Gourmet Group, Faculty Women's Club, University of British Columbia
After Bennett: A New Politics for British Columbia |
1986 |
New Star Books
The Government Generation: Canadian Intellectuals and the State, 1900-1945 |
Owram, Douglas
1986 |
University of Toronto Press
The Origins of Canadian Politics: A Comparative Approach |
Stewart, Gordon T.
1986 |
University of British Columbia Press
Portraits of Earth |
Patterson, Freeman
1987 |
Key Porter Books
I've Got to Have That Recipe! |
Doell, Barbara, Dianne Winsby, and Pat Pollard
1987 |
Doubleday Canada
Soups for All Seasons |
McCrorie, Brad
1987 |
Doubleday Canada
The Last White Man in Panama |
Gough, William
1987 |
Penguin Books Canada
Breakup: Why the West Feels Left Out of Canada |
Braid, Don.
1990 |
Key Porter Books
Double Standards: Consumer and Worker Protection in an Unequal World |
Kerton, Robert R.
1990 |
North-South Institute