Search Results

57 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Wilder, Joseph E. 1982 Prairie Publishing
Lamirande, Andre E., and Gilles L. Seguin 1982 Highway Book Shop
Levitt, Joseph 1982 Deneau
Taylor, G.W. 1982 Morriss Publishing
McIntosh, Dave 1984 NC Press
Solski, Mike, and John Smaller 1984 Steel Rail Publishing
Cooke, O.A. 1984 Directorate of History, Department of National Defence
Barlee, N.L. 1984 Hancock House
Sager, Ed, and Mike Frye 1984 Hancock House
1984 Douglas & McIntyre
Timothy, H.B. 1984 McClelland & Stewart
Neering, Rosemary 1984 Oxford University Press
Pain, Howard 1984 Key Porter Books
Wright, Eric 1984 Collins
1984 Between the Lines
Wright, Eric 1985 Collins
Coates, Kenneth 1985 James Lorimer & Co.
Lawrence, Hal 1985 McClelland & Stewart
Engel, Howard 1986 Penguin Books Canada
Thomas, Lewis G. 1986 The University of Alberta Press
Leonard, Jean-Francois, and Jacques Leveillee 1986 Black Rose Books
Friedland, Martin L. 1986 University of Toronto Press
Stanton, John 1987 Steel Rail Publishing
Roy, Patricia E. 1990 University of Toronto Press
Perin, Roberto. 1990 University of Toronto Press