The Echoing Years: An Anthology of Poetry from Canada and Ireland. |
2007 |
Centre for Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
Tesseracts 11: Amazing Canadian Speculative Fiction. |
2007 |
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Crossing Lines: Poets Who Came to Canada in the Vietnam War Era. |
2008 |
Seraphim Editions
The Stars as Seen from This Particular Angle of Night: An Anthology of Speculative Verse |
2003 |
Red Deer Press
Open Space: New Canadian Fantastic Fiction |
2003 |
Red Deer Press
Coastlines: The Poetry of Atlantic Canada |
2002 |
Goose Lane Editions
Tesseracts Ten: A Celebration of New Canadian Speculative Fiction |
2006 |
Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Tesseracts Nine: New Canadian Speculative Fiction |
2005 |
Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Poets Talk: Conversations with Robert Kroetsch, Daphne Marlatt, Erin Mouré, Dionne Brand, Marie Annharte Baker, Jeff Derksen, and Fred Wah |
2005 |
University of Alberta Press
The Vehicule Poets _ Now |
2004 |
J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction and Fantasy |
2004 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Listening with the Ear of the Heart: Writers at St Peter's |
2003 |
St. Peter's Press
Groundswell: The Best of Above/Ground Press, 1993–2003 |
2003 |
Broken Jaw Press
The Fed Anthology: Brand New Fiction and Poetry from the Federation of BC Writers |
2003 |
Anvil Press
Revenge: A Noir Anthology About Getting Even |
2004 |
Insomniac Press
Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature |
2004 |
University of Ottawa Press
Pretenders. |
Williams, Lynda.
2006 |
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Righteous Anger. |
Williams, Lynda.
2006 |
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
The Half-Lives of Pat Lowther |
Wiesenthal, Christine.
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
Getting Near the End |
Weiner, Andrew.
2004 |
Red Deer Press
Violinmaker's Lament |
Weier, John.
2002 |
Wolsak and Wynn
My Father's Cup |
Wayman, Tom.
2002 |
Harbour Publishing
Dreams of the Sea |
Vonarburg, Élisabeth.
2003 |
Tesseract Books
Dreams of the Sea |
Vonarburg, Élisabeth.
2003 |
Tesseract Books
Bodies of Tomorrow: Technology, Subjectivity, Science Fiction. |
Vint, Sherryl.
2007 |
University of Toronto Press