Search Results

27 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Knight, M.L. 1982 Childe Thursday
Waddington, Miriam 1982 Mosaic Press
1983 Quadrant Editions
Massel, Dona Paul 1983 Third Eye Publications
Welch, Liliane 1983 Fiddlehead Poetry Books
Blais, Marie-Claire 1984 Lester & Orpen Dennys
Brouillet, Chrystine 1984 General Publishing
1984 Mosaic Press
Conn, Jan E. 1984 Fiddlehead Poetry Books
McNeil, Florence 1984 Thistledown Press
Shields, Carol 1985 Stoddart
Wyatt, Rachel 1985 House of Anansi Press
Brewster, Elizabeth 1985 Oberon Press
Korn, Rachel 1985 Aya Press
Moure, Erin 1985 House of Anansi Press
Musgrave, Susan 1985 McClelland & Stewart
1985 Netherlandic Press
Clarke, Austin 1985 McClelland & Stewart
Descarries-Belanger, Francine, and Micheline de Sève 1985 Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
Black, Ayanna 1986 Williams-Wallace
Brossard, Nicole 1986 Guernica Editions
Conn, Jan 1986 Signal Editions
Donald, C.M. 1986 Ragweed Press
McAllister, Lesley 1987 Aya Press
Wallace, Bronwen 1987 McClelland & Stewart