At Home on the Stroll: My Twenty Years as a Prostitute in Canada |
Highcrest, Alexandra.
1997 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Women and Divorce in Canada: A Sociological Analysis |
Sev'er, Aysan.
1992 |
Canadian Scholars' Press
Birth Days: A Nurse-Midwife's Account |
Wirvin, Frances.
1994 |
Detselig Enterprises
Greatcoats and Glamour Boots: Canadian Women at War (1939-1945) |
Gossage, Carolyn.
1991 |
Dundurn Press
Women in Trouble |
Comack, Elizabeth.
1996 |
Fernwood Publishing
A Dance with Death: Canadian Women on the Gallows, 1754-1954 |
Anderson, Frank W.
1996 |
Fifth House
One Mother to Another: Canadian Women Talk about Pregnancy and Childbirth |
Hunsburger, Winifred Wallace.
1992 |
Fifth House
A Narrow Doorway: Women's Stories of Escape from Abuse |
Martin, Fern.
1996 |
General Store Publishing House
The Montreal Massacre |
1991 |
Gynergy Books
Conceptions and Misconceptions: A Guide Through the Maze of In Vitro and Other Assisted Reproduction Techniques |
Wisot, Arthur, and David Meldrum.
1997 |
Hartley & Marks Publishers
Murderous Women: True Tales of Women Who Killed |
Jones, Frank.
1991 |
Key Porter Books
Gone to an Aunt's: Remembering Canada's Homes for Unwed Mothers |
Petrie, Anne.
1998 |
McClelland & Stewart
Rock-a-Bye Baby: A Death Behind Bars |
Kershaw, Anne.
1991 |
McClelland & Stewart
Trials of Labour: The re-emergence of Midwifery |
Burtch, Brian.
1994 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Trials of Labour: The re-emergence of Midwifery |
Burtch, Brian.
1994 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Transforming Abuse: Nonviolent Resistance and Recovery |
Schmidt, K. Louise.
1995 |
New Society Publishers
Somebody's Daughter: Inside the Toronto/Halifax Pimping Ring |
Jessome, Phonse.
1996 |
Nimbus Publishing
The Bedroom and the State: The Changing Practices and Politics of Contraception and Abortion in Canada, 1880-1997. 2nd ed. |
McLaren, Angus, and Arlene Tigar McLaren.
1997 |
Oxford University Press Canada
The Politics of Abortion |
Brodie, Janine.
1992 |
Oxford University Press Canada
The Princess at the Window: A New Gender Morality |
Laframboise, Donna.
1996 |
Penguin Books Canada
Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement Resistance |
Faith, Karlene.
1993 |
Press Gang Publishers
In Conflict with the Law: Women and the Canadian Justice System |
1993 |
Press Gang Publishers
When She Was Bad |
Pearson, Patricia.
1997 |
Random House of Canada
In the Open: Women Survivors of Abuse Tell Their Stories |
1996 |
Roseway Publishing
Power Surge: Sex, Violence and Pornography |
Cole, Susan G.
1995 |
Second Story Press