Exploring the Castle: Discovering the Backbone of the World in Southern Alberta. |
Kershaw, Robert.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Looking for Snails on a Sunday Afternoon |
Kurz, Rudolf.
2004 |
The Porcupine's Quill
Intimate Distances |
Lam, Fiona Tinwei.
2002 |
Nightwood Editions
Scissors, Paper, Stone: Expressions of Memory in Contemporary Photographic Art. |
Langford, Martha.
2007 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Mixed Messages |
Lapadat, Judith.
2002 |
Caitlin Press
Henry Pepper. |
Lukyn, Justin.
2008 |
New Star Books
This Flesh These Words |
Nelson, Sharon H.
2002 |
Ekstasis Editions
Seal Up the Thunder |
Noteboom, Erin.
2005 |
Wolsak and Wynn
Seduced by Modernity: The Photography of Margaret Watkins. |
O'Connor, Mary, and Katherine Tweedie.
2007 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Sculpture: A Journey to the Circumference of the Earth |
Peck, Robin.
2004 |
Broken Jaw Press
The Field Next to Love |
Pilling, Marilyn Gear.
2002 |
Black Moss Press
Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture, 1818 |
Potter, Russell A.
2007 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
A Darker Light |
Priesnitz, Heidi.
2003 |
Dundurn Press
Ten Thousand Roses: The Making of a Feminist Revolution |
Rebick, Judy.
2005 |
Penguin Books Canada
Notes on Arrival and Departure |
Rose, Rachel.
2005 |
McClelland & Stewart
Life of the Trail 1: Historic Hikes in Eastern Banff National Park. |
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Life of the Trail 2: Historic Hikes in Northern Yoho National Park. |
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Cross My Heart |
Shipley, Jocelyn.
2004 |
Sumach Press
Genocide |
Springer, Jane.
2006 |
Groundwood Books
Genocide |
Springer, Jane.
2006 |
Groundwood Books
Chanda's Secrets |
Stratton, Allan.
2004 |
Annick Press
The Bicycle Eater |
Tremblay, Larry.
2005 |
Threshold of the Eye: The Work of Pol Turgeon, Illustrator |
Turgeon, Pol.
2005 |
Smith, Bonappétit & Son
Power Plays. |
Ulrich, Maureen.
2007 |
Coteau Books
Segues |
Wakan, Naomi Beth.
2005 |
Wolsak and Wynn