Search Results

59 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Kershaw, Robert. 2008 Rocky Mountain Books
Kurz, Rudolf. 2004 The Porcupine's Quill
Lam, Fiona Tinwei. 2002 Nightwood Editions
Langford, Martha. 2007 McGill-Queen's University Press
Lapadat, Judith. 2002 Caitlin Press
Lukyn, Justin. 2008 New Star Books
Nelson, Sharon H. 2002 Ekstasis Editions
Noteboom, Erin. 2005 Wolsak and Wynn
O'Connor, Mary, and Katherine Tweedie. 2007 McGill-Queen's University Press
Peck, Robin. 2004 Broken Jaw Press
Pilling, Marilyn Gear. 2002 Black Moss Press
Potter, Russell A. 2007 McGill-Queen's University Press
Priesnitz, Heidi. 2003 Dundurn Press
Rebick, Judy. 2005 Penguin Books Canada
Rose, Rachel. 2005 McClelland & Stewart
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck. 2008 Rocky Mountain Books
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck. 2008 Rocky Mountain Books
Shipley, Jocelyn. 2004 Sumach Press
Springer, Jane. 2006 Groundwood Books
Springer, Jane. 2006 Groundwood Books
Stratton, Allan. 2004 Annick Press
Tremblay, Larry. 2005 Talonbooks
Turgeon, Pol. 2005 Smith, Bonappétit & Son
Ulrich, Maureen. 2007 Coteau Books
Wakan, Naomi Beth. 2005 Wolsak and Wynn