Immigration: The Economic Case


192 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55263-532-5
DDC 330.971'0648





Reviewed by Tami Oliphant

Tami Oliphant is a Ph.D. candidate in Library and Information Studies at the University of Western Ontario.


In this book, Diane Francis argues that immigrants are sucking
Canada’s welfare system dry, forming drug cartels, creating terrorist
networks, abusing our health-care system, and generally lowering the
quality of life in Canada via loopholes in our lax immigration policies.
As far as Francis is concerned, immigration alone is responsible for
society’s ills. The lack of balance in her argument is illustrated by
the fact that for every gloom-and-doom anecdote or statistic trotted
out, there is no corresponding success story. The reality, which the
author ignores, is that for every immigrant on the take there are
thousands of immigrants who contribute to life in Canada.

Francis does have some valid points, however. She suggests that a
process be put in place whereby immigrants with degrees can update their
qualifications and certifications in Canada so that they can work in
their chosen profession. She argues that the Immigration Review Board
should be composed of professionals rather than political patronage
appointments. And she points out the need for more thorough background
checking of potential immigrants.

Francis details her own immigrant experience. She and her husband
emigrated from the United States to Canada to avoid the draft during the
Vietnam War; it seems she would deny others the same opportunity.


Francis, Diane., “Immigration: The Economic Case,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,