Canadian Who's Who 2002


1466 pages
ISBN 0-8020-4970-2
DDC 920'.071




Edited by Elizabeth Lumley
Reviewed by Patricia Morley

Patricia Morley is professor emerita of English and Canadian Studies at
Concordia University and an avid outdoor recreationist. She is the
author of several books, including The Mountain Is Moving: Japanese
Women’s Lives, Kurlek and Margaret Laurence: T


The newest edition of this invaluable reference work includes a tribute
to Peter Gzowski and some 27 strong and succinct quotations celebrating
Canada’s best-known broadcaster. These range from Susan Thomas’s
“Wow, what a man! What a heart!” to praise for Gzowski’s
“contagious enthusiasm” for Canada and his knack for cajoling us
into learning and caring about one another. As one writer remembers,
“[Gzowski] connected us all.”

Canadian Who’s Who is the largest publication of its kind in Canada.
More importantly, it is an authoritative and detailed alphabetical
record of some 15,000 notable Canadians chosen from all areas of public
service and achievement. In short, Canadian Who’s Who is the standard
reference source for Canadian achievers since 1910. It is usually issued
triennially. Biography subjects are chosen on merit alone, as judged by
the positions they have held and/or the contributions they have made to
Canadian life and to the world at large.

In 1985, the University of Toronto Press published a companion work,
Canadian Who’s Who Index 1898–1984. It has also published a
microfiche set of backlist volumes that together cover the period
1898–1988. Since 1997, there has been an annual CD-ROM of Canadian
Who’s Who and a Web site at

Canadian researchers and readers are greatly indebted to Lumley and her
team for their part in preserving our heritage. Canadian Who’s Who
2002 and its regular updates belong in libraries in Canada and around
the world.


“Canadian Who's Who 2002,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 19, 2024,