Tree and Shrub Gardening for British Columbia
Contains Photos, Maps, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 1-55105-269-5
DDC 635.9'77'09711
Nikki Tate-Stratton writes novels for preteens; her latest books are
Jo’s Triumph; Jessa Be Nimble, Rebel Be Quick; Raven’s Revenge; and
Tarragon Island.
Trees, shrubs, and woody vines form the architectural backbone of a
garden. Each of these attractive guidebooks about trees and shrubs
begins with a quick pictorial index of plants followed by a general
description of regional growing conditions and a map of hardiness zones.
General notes on plant selection include a brief discussion of form,
placement, foliage, fruit, fragrance, lifespan, and growth rate. More
details follow in several informative chapters about site selection,
choosing trees and shrubs, planting, staking, and caring for both new
and established plants. Pruning, propagation, pests, and diseases also
warrant a chapter each.
The largest section of each guide is taken up with plant listings. Each
tree or shrub is given a double-page spread that includes several
full-color photographs, a quick summary of key information (features,
habit, height, spread, planting, and zones), and a thorough description
of the plant, planting and growing specifics, and tips specific to the
particular species. The features of certain outstanding cultivars are
described, as are any pests or problems about which the gardener should
be aware.
A quick reference chart at the back of each book provides an easy way
to determine plant suitability for particular zones, growing conditions,
and specific garden needs. Foliage color, blooming times, and special
features are also included in this easy-to-use chart. A glossary, a
reading list, and a detailed index of plants by both scientific and
common names complete each volume.
These guides to trees and shrubs are well laid out, attractively
designed, clearly written, and filled with hundreds of color
photographs. Suitable for both beginners and those looking for an
unusual specimen to fill a particular space in the garden, these are
handy, useful reference books for the gardener’s bookshelf.