Canadian Pacific in the Okanagan and Kootenay Valleys of British Columbia: The Early Years of Diesels
Contains Photos
ISBN 0-919487-37-8
DDC 385'.36'097110222
A.A. den Otter is a history professor at Memorial University of
Newfoundland and co-author of Lethbridge: A Centennial History.
These volumes were published by the British Railway Modellers of North
America. Each contains 25 full-page, black-and-white photographs as well
as pictorial covers. Whereas Jim Hope, the author of the Okanagan and
Kootenay Valley book, generally uses his own photographs, Dale Wilson
and Gordon D. Jomini, authors of the Northern Ontario work, borrow from
a larger group of photographers. While the former book focuses entirely
on diesel engines, the latter also includes steam power. Beneath each
photograph is a wealth of technical and historical infor-mation.
Neither book provides a running historical account of the regions under
review; it is left to the reader to string together a coherent story of
these areas.