Land Without Chocolate
ISBN 0-919897-67-3
DDC C811'.54
Edward L. Edmonds is a professor of education at the University of
Prince Edward Island and an honorary chief of the Mi’kmaq of Prince
Edward Island.
Faizal Deen immigrated to Canada from Guyana. He has clearly mastered
the English language and, in the process, much of the Western canon (he
graciously acknowledges sources in an appendix). As this book’s title
implies, he has thought long and critically about his new life, from
“the windowsills of tropical memory.” Canada has rightly been called
“a garden of flowers,” and certainly a haven for multiculturalism.
But Deen also describes (inter alia) homosexual behavior, welcomed or
enforced, and some readers may be offended by the occasionally
scatological language. A evocative photograph of the land Deen left
behind graces the book’s cover.