Perfectly Secret: The Hidden Lives of Seven Teen Girls


108 pages
ISBN 1-55037-864-3
DDC j305.235'082





Edited by Susan Musgrave
Reviewed by Christina Pike

Christina Pike is a member of the Evaluation Division, Department of
Education, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.


Each story in this powerful collection reveals a secret that the author
kept when she was a teenager.

“Truth, Dare, Kiss, Command, or Promise: Fragments of a Life” by
Cathy Stonehouse is the story of 14-year-old Cathy. Using the childhood
game “Truth, Dare, Kiss, Command, or Promise” as a backdrop, Cathy
writes about fragments of memories from her life. Unable to cope with
parts of her life, she has split herself into two identities.

“The Damsite” by Nan Germaine is about a 16-year-old’s attempt to
keep the secrets of the others in her family. “Unseen, Unheard” by
Kelys Green takes the adage “Children should be seen and not heard”
and describes how Kelys tries desperately to live up to this saying to
the point that she believes she is invisible and begins to act out in
order to become seen.

“Cherry Pride” recounts Susan Musgrave’s efforts to save her
friend Delphine from herself. “Mad as Sheela” by Anita Rau Badami
describes a 15-year-old’s understanding of her aunt’s madness and
the family’s attempts to hide it. “Dancing with My Father” by
Lorna Crozier focuses on graduation night and the author’s attempts to
lead a normal life with a drunk father. “There Will Be No Secrets”
by Almeda Glenn Miller explores divorce and its effect on one family.

Readers who may be dealing with situations like those of the authors
will find comfort in these moving, well-written stories, reassured that
they are not alone. Recommended.


“Perfectly Secret: The Hidden Lives of Seven Teen Girls,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,