One Day There Was Nothing To Do


32 pages
ISBN 1-55037-090-1
DDC jC813'.54





Illustrations by Ruth Ohi

Margaret Bunel Edwards is a free-lance writer and author of several
children’s books.


Three little children have nothing to do. “Think of something,” Ma
says. They think and think and suddenly there is a giant snapping turtle
in the hall. Ma gets pie tins and bangs them together and scares it
away. While they are eating cheese and crackers, a mouse appears and
takes their food. Ma climbs onto the countertop while the children bring
a broom and chase the mouse out. “Thank you,” says Ma. “I’ll get
you some more crackers.” When three pigs are discovered under a bed,
Ma and the children beat a drum and stamp their feet; the pigs run away.
Bathtime brings a poisonous snake who hides in the water. Ma uses a
sieve, her rubber gloves, and a sponge, but it’s no use—she can’t
catch it. So everyone gets out of the tub and Ma pulls the plug. They
see the tip of the snake’s tail as it goes down the drain. Once the
children are safely in bed, Ma reads everyone a story.

This delightful story shows a mother and her children having a fun day
together, large dollops of happy, make-believe adventures. The bright
pictures are rich in detail and will provide ideas and conversation for
little ones aged three to five.


Creighton, Jill., “One Day There Was Nothing To Do,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 10, 2025,