Ricky Ricardo Suites


84 pages
ISBN 0-919688-74-8
DDC C811.54





Reviewed by Don Precosky

Don Precosky teaches English at the College of New Caledonia. He is the
co-editor of It’s Still Winter, an online journal of contemporary
Canadian poetry and poetics, and Four Realities: Poets of Northern B.C.


This collection is highly readable, witty, and varied with a wide
breadth of reference to high and low culture. It is also perhaps a bit
too glib, a bit too urban retro cool. The opening cheap shot at Al Purdy
is not called for, especially since Allen’s sensibility is essentially
like Purdy’s, replete with first-person anecdote and self-effacing

The book is divided into three sections. Section 1, which bears the
same title as the book, is largely humorous and contains several
nostalgic references. Section 2 consists of 46 new elements of a long
poem called “The Encantadas”; each part ends in the middle of a
sentence that is completed in the next part. The section ends in
mid-sentence. Section 3, Yasnaya Polyana, is more introspective and less
lighthearted than the first two sections.

This is poetry from downtown Montreal, where serious Canadian poetry


Allen, Robert., “Ricky Ricardo Suites,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/31155.