The Ignorance Explosion: Understanding Industrial Civilization


272 pages
Contains Photos, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-88629-237-9
DDC 303.48'3




Reviewed by Jeffrey Moon

Jeff Moon is Head of the Maps, Data, & Government Information Centre (MADGIC), at Queen's University


This provocative and entertaining book contains a diverse collection of
thoughts, excerpts, and images on some of the difficulties and
contradictions of industrial civilization. Rapid technological
developments in the 20th century in transportation, telecommunications,
medical science, and other areas have had a profound impact on
civilization. Lukasiewicz analyzes both the negative and the positive
aspects of these developments, drawing on a broad array of real-life
examples and situations to make his case. He also deals with
technology’s influence on such “nontechnological” components of
our culture as language, art, food, the environment, and morality, and
raises questions about our society, culture, and lives. We are left to
draw our own conclusions, but have been provided with ample food for


Lukasiewicz, Julius., “The Ignorance Explosion: Understanding Industrial Civilization,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,