Bradley McGogg, the Very Fine Frog.


24 pages
ISBN 978-0-88776-864-4
DDC jC813'.6






Illustrations by Rachel Berman
Reviewed by Aileen Wortley


This vigorous picture book is a wonderful combination of a witty rhyming story and dynamic intriguing illustrations that not only complement but add an extra dimension to the text.


Bradley McGogg, our fine frog, is disappointed to find that the log in the bog where he lives is depleted of bugs and hence he is hungry. Hitting on the idea of seeking food from his neighbours he makes the rounds of his community to visit Miss Mouse, Herr Bear, Herr Rabbit, and Miss Moo the Cow. While they generously proffer meals he finds their selection of food (cheese, crackers, clover, carrots dipped in honey) so disgusting he politely makes his excuses and goes home. There he finds that in his absence there has been an infestation of bugs and happily “sat down to dinner and feasted on pails / Of maggots, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, and snails. / He gobbled up stinkbugs and sweet, buzzy bees, / Flies, squirmy worms, crunchy roaches, and fleas.” After this delicious repast he ruminates that “Other folks eat some pretty strange things.”


Apart from the slight contrivance at the end when our frog goes home to a sudden convenient spate of insects, this book works superbly on many levels. The storyline, humour, Bradley’s dynamic personality, rhyming style, and rhythm would make Bradley McGogg a great read-aloud. The illustrations (watercolour and gouache) make it a perfect book for an individual child to pore over, enjoying the rich detail, whimsicality, and texture. A must-have for libraries. Highly recommended.


Beiser, Tim., “Bradley McGogg, the Very Fine Frog.,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 19, 2024,