Mom and Dad Don't Live Together Anymore.


24 pages
ISBN 978-1-55451-093-1
DDC jC813'.54





Illustrations by Vian Oelofsen
Reviewed by Sylvia Pantaleo

Sylvia Pantaleo is an assistant professor of education specializing in
children’s literature at Queen’s University and the co-author of
Learning with Literature in the Canadian Elementary Classroom.


In Stinson’s story, first published in 1984, a young girl conveys an authentic and poignant telling of the impact of her parents’ divorce on her life. The girl’s telling is straightforward—she explains how her time is divided between her parents. The syntax of the text is reflective of the age of the narrator, and the content of the sentences reflects the child’s worries, questions, and experiences. Although the child shares her sorrow about the divorce of her parents, the ultimate message of the book is healthy as each parent is actively involved in the child’s life. Both the text and the illustrations depict both parents as engaging in activities with the girl (and her brother) that are enjoyable and comforting. Both the text and the images communicate how much both parents love their children.


Stinson has made a few textual changes from the original version (e.g., “barrettes” to “clips” and “Mommy took us up the CN Tower” now reads “Mommy played soccer with us in the park”). Oelofsen’s cartoon-like illustrations are bright and energetic and create a positive mood for the telling of a sincere and serious narrative. As the book draws to a close, readers are reassured that the child loves her parents and that they love her, too. Further, the new edition has a comforting illustration of the child and her mother to accompany the text on the last page: “Just not together.”


Highly recommended.


Stinson, Kathy., “Mom and Dad Don't Live Together Anymore.,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,