Money: Deal with It or Pay the Price.
ISBN 978-1-55028-958-9
DDC j332.4
Martha Lamon is a freelance writer and researcher based in Huntsville,
This latest book in the Deal With It series addresses the issue of money: how to use it responsibly, and how to deal with complicated financial situations youths may encounter. Illustrated in bold colours, the book includes quizzes, comic strips, lists of do’s and don’ts, and letters asking advice from fictional counsellors. It targets children between the ages of 10 and 13.
Like other books in this series, this one is divided into five sections. The first, “Money 101,” gives basic information about money, including different forms of currency and, from a conceptual point of view, what money can and cannot do for us. It also outlines scenarios in which the reader must identify who has or does not have money smarts, and busts a series of myths about money.
The next three sections focus on the different roles people play with regard to the issue. “The Money Master” examines how and why people become preoccupied with money. “The Out-Cashed” is someone who spends their money as soon as they get it. “The Witness” is influenced by the money problems of people around him or her. Do’s and don’ts, quizzes, and values-clarification exercises help keep these individuals from paying the price of mishandling their money.
The book has a final section on where to get more help through help lines, other books, and websites. It is best read independently, in a classroom setting, or in a student/counsellor context. Recommended.