I Can't Sleep!


24 pages
ISBN 0-920501-84-2
DDC jC813'.54




Illustrations by Ron Lightburn
Reviewed by Jean Free

Jean Free, a library consultant, is a retired public-school teacher and
librarian in Whitby, Ontario.


Zoey is a little mouse who gets interrupted by her family when she tries
to tell them why she can’t sleep. Her mother sings her a lullaby, and
her father suggests she count sheep. Finally they discover she needs to
use the bathroom but the door is stuck.

I Can’t Sleep is a kindly story about a frustrated child seeking
understanding. It is also a gentle reminder to families to listen to
each other. The humorous pictures by Ron Lightburn are filled with
familiar toys, household objects, and other interesting details for
preschoolers to find and examine. Small children learning to use the
toilet will identify with the universal experience Zoey has.


Farmer, Patti., “I Can't Sleep!,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/24601.