Grandma Mooner Lost Her Voice!


24 pages
ISBN 0-921285-17-5
DDC jC813'.54





Illustrations by John Bianchi
Reviewed by Lisa Arsenault

Lisa Arsenault is a public-school teacher in Ajax, Ontario.


This is another welcome addition to the series of children’s picture
books about the Mooner family of pigs. Grandma Mooner has temporarily
lost her voice. The brother and sister, Mortimer and Melody, think that
means she has misplaced it. They set out to find it for her and in the
course of their travels all over town to Grandma’s usual haunts they
find many interesting things, but not her voice!

As with the previous Mooner books, Grandma Mooner has the repetition of
key phrases and ideas that young children so enjoy. The text is lively
and fast-paced and the illustrations are brightly colored and amusing.
Favorite minor characters, such as the guinea pig, reappear.


Edwards, Frank B., “Grandma Mooner Lost Her Voice!,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,