Columbus's Cat


32 pages
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 0-02-954084-4
DDC jC813'.54




Reviewed by Joan Sanderson

Joan Sanderson is a professional storyteller doing “Book Talks” for
Minnow Books.


This highly engaging story for children aged 5 to 10 successfully
combines fact and fiction, education and fantasy.

In the opening scene, we meet the hero, a black cat named Gato, in the
town of Palos on the southern coast of Spain. Gato is in trouble from
the beginning. We follow him on his voyage with Columbus through one
adventure after another to a conclusion that links beautifully with the

Discussion could be sparked with young readers about the problems on
voyages long ago, about the wonders of the New World, and about the
Native peoples that explorers encountered. The conversation between the
animals (Gato, Marino, Paro, and Papagaya) helps to raise some of these
questions: “‘Well, my friend, you’re off to cross the great
western ocean to find gold, spices, precious jewels, and a new way to
the Indies, China and Japan!’ Gato frowned. ‘I’ve heard of those
places but aren’t they in the East? Can you go west and get to the

The lush, sometimes humorous, sometimes fantastical, and always
brilliant, bright drawings (and map) add to the richness of this
exciting story.


Bardell, Graham., “Columbus's Cat,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,