Goldsworthy and Mort in Spring Soup


63 pages
ISBN 0-00-617948-7
DDC jC813'.54




Illustrations by Linda Hendry

Margaret Bunel Edwards is a freelance writer and author of several
children’s books.


Goldsworthy and Mort, a couple of enterprising gophers, share two
adventures. In “Spring Soup,” they look out their window at a blowy,
wintery scene and decide it’s the right kind of day to make soup. But
when they examine the brew, they are both astonished. “It’s not
creamy clam chowder,” Goldsworthy complains.

“Of course not, I made baked bean hot pot soup,” Mort replies. They
finally agree to taste the mixture and are delighted at their wonderful
new recipe.

“Spring Cleaning” sees Goldsworthy sorting out books, clothes, and
odds and ends, while Mort takes home the intriguing cast-off treasures.
Goldsworthy loves his neat house, but it feels so empty he decides to
visit Mort. He finds his friend getting rid of his own clutter to make
room for the new belongings. That junk looks very useful to Goldsworthy
and he soon gathers up books, clothes, and anything else he fancies. The
two friends agree that it’s been a great exchange!

These large-print, easy-to-read stories will delight the beginning
reader, who will enjoy the breezy style and light humor as well as the
surprise endings. The full-color pictures are nicely detailed and are as
entertaining as the plots for children six to eight and younger.


Vaughan, Marcia., “Goldsworthy and Mort in Spring Soup,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,