The Glooscap Legends
Contains Maps
ISBN 0-88999-498-6
DDC j398.21'089'9730715
Becky Norman is a Kitchener-based freelance writer.
For anyone reading about Glooscap for the first time, or for any
learning about Native folklore, Spicer’s Glooscap Legends is an
excellent starting point.
These tales of a gentle, loving, larger-than-life man are a true treat
for young and old alike. Spicer uses a simple—and pure—diction that
is not only easy for children to read, but also enchanting for the
not-so-young. His word choices invite readers through a doorway to the
past; we are encouraged to sit by the fire on a dark, damp night and
listen to the magic tales recounted by the storyteller.
The Glooscap legends, for the most part, deal with the classic conflict
between good and evil. There are witches; giant, angry beasts; and,
always, Glooscap, who treats his foes with respect and honor, even in
Even MacPhee’s intentionally crude drawings harken back to a simpler
time when all of life was a bit newer. The frequent mention of
geographic locations and the map that is included to guide us to them
also bring Spicer’s collection to life. Glooscap is an extraordinary
folklore figure, and Spicer’s assertion at the end of Glooscap Legends
that he will return someday evokes only delighted anticipation.