Picture This: Fun Photography and Crafts
Contains Photos, Illustrations
ISBN 1-55337-046-5
DDC j770
Lisa Arsenault is an elementary-school teacher in Ajax, Ontario.
Projects involving photography are the subject of this Kids Can Do It
book. Before describing what can be done with a photograph once it’s
developed, the introduction identifies the parts of a camera and
provides tips on holding the camera correctly, choosing the appropriate
distance, establishing proper lighting for the subject and time of day,
and picture composition. Several of the crafts consist of creating
different types of frames, such as a window mat frame, a shadow frame,
and a three-dimensional diorama.
Each individual project features a photograph of the finished product,
a list of materials where necessary, and numbered step-by-step
instructions for its completion. The instructions are clear and easy to
follow. Colourful illustrations accompany each step. A glossary defines
common photography terms. Other projects in the book, which don’t
require materials beyond the photographs themselves, involve the use of
special effects, such as manipulating perspective and composition to
trick the eye and create unusual displays and action shots. Photographs
can also be combined to create panoramas, puzzles, sequences, and
Picture This is a fine book for budding photographers. It will also
serve as a useful tool for teachers, because many of the ideas can be
used either in art classes or to create personalized, student-generated
material across all subjects. Recommended.