Realm of the Golden Feather


204 pages
ISBN 1-894650-26-3
DDC jC813'.6





Reviewed by Kristin Butcher

Kristin Butcher writes novels for young adults. Her most recent works
are Cairo Kelly and the Mann, The Gamma War, The Tomorrow Tunnel, The
Trouble with Liberty, and Zee’s Way.


Bobby is a smart kid. He gets good grades, he collects bird feathers,
and he is a video game aficionado. He is also the favourite victim of
the local bully. All these factors come into play when he is kidnapped
and propelled through a black hole into another world by Herly, a
strange-looking birdlike creature. Ieetonia, as this world is called, is
inhabited by extinct birds turned into people (sort of). As for Bobby,
he turns into a pink dragon with magical powers. He learns that he is
“the Chosen.” Until Herly returns from Bobby’s world, it is
Bobby’s responsibility to save the Ieetonians from Lord Drake, the
evil black dragon determined to take over Ieetonia and control the
gateway to Bobby’s world.

Ginter is probably a competent writer, and this novel could probably
have been a good book. The plot premise is fine, the writing style is
satisfactory, and the writing mechanics are sound. However, the story
seems to lack editing. Instead of selectively dramatizing events, Ginter
has left absolutely nothing out. Consequently, the story is much
longer—and far less enjoyable—than it need be. Conversely, greater
attention to certain integral elements of the plot, such as Cane and
Lord Drake, would have added much-needed depth to the story. Careful
editing could also have eliminated such sentences as “He was homesick
and he wanted to go home.” An unappealing format, numerous typesetting
errors, and childlike artwork further mark this book as an amateur
effort. Not recommended.


Ginter, C.R., “Realm of the Golden Feather,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,