Storm Warning: Gambling with the Climate of Our Planet


332 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-385-25782-1
DDC 551.6






Reviewed by Patricia Morley

Patricia Morley is professor emerita of English and Canadian Studies at
Concordia University and an avid outdoor recreationist. She is also the
author of The Mountain Is Moving: Japanese Women’s Lives, Kurlek, and
Margaret Laurence: The Long Journey Hom


Global warming, the worldwide increase in average temperatures, is
considered by many to be the leading environmental problem of our time.
Lydia Dotto, one of Canada’s premier science writers, tackles it
head-on by documenting the evidence and its socioeconomic and
environmental effects.

Dotto is the author of many books on environmental problems, including
Planet Earth in Jeopardy, and a frequent commentator on science issues.
In this forceful call for countries and companies to alter their
behavior while there is still time, Dotto martials an impressive body of
evidence to show that weather has a significant effect on human life and
that ongoing climate change will have a profound effect on our world and
our lives.

The fossil fuel industry would have us believe that all is well and
that the threat of global warning is exaggerated. Dotto demonstrates the
falsity of this rhetoric, the evident dangers, and the strong evidence
that greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause of global warming. With
lively examples and lucid rhetoric, Dotto outlines choices and
consequences that include ill health, psychological trauma, and worse.
The continuation of current practices can only lead to disastrous
results. She highlights costs and alternatives. Storm Warning is one of
the truly important books of the decade.


Dotto, Lydia., “Storm Warning: Gambling with the Climate of Our Planet,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed February 15, 2025,