Katie's Babbling Brother


24 pages
ISBN 1-55037-153-3
DDC jC813'.54





Illustrations by Ruth Ohi
Reviewed by Anne Hutchings

Anne Hutchings is a public-school teacher and librarian in Ajax,


Katie’s problem is one common to many youngsters: she has a younger
sibling who is never quiet. From the time Norman wakes up until he
finally goes to sleep, he is constantly babbling—so much so that Katie
often can’t hear or be heard. The sympathetic lady at the corner store
gives Katie a “secret” ingredient that makes her “problem”
(Norman) get smaller—so small, in fact, that he can fit into a
baby-food jar! Katie and her mother agree that even though Norman’s
babbling “drives them crazy,” they don’t like him like that. This
time, the lady at the corner store provides Katie with an antidote to
the secret ingredient, along with a pair of earplugs. Strangely enough,
Katie never does use the earplugs even though Norman continues to babble
constantly. Just being able to talk things over with others and knowing
that they understand and sympathize makes her problem less important.

Hutchins knows her audience (four- to seven-year-olds) well. What child
with a younger brother or sister has not wished, at one time or another,
that she or he could make the younger one disappear? The students with
whom I shared this story, when asked to identify their favorite part,
invariably chose the part “when Katie’s brother got small.” The
story is well suited to reading aloud, allowing for plenty of
enthusiastic participation when making Norman’s babbling sounds.

Ohi’s illustrations add to the overall enjoyment of the story,
allowing the reader to see, as well as feel, Katie’s frustration, and,
eventually, the happy resolution to her problem.

The book is sturdily bound and attractively designed. Recommended for


Hutchins, Hazel., “Katie's Babbling Brother,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/23209.