Sam's Light
ISBN 1-55002-535-X
DDC jC813'.6
Dave Jenkinson is a professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Manitoba and the author of the “Portraits” section of Emergency Librarian.
In addition to writing the Shelby Belgarden mystery series, Sherrard
also writes general young-adult fiction such as Kate (2003). Like Kate,
Sam’s Light has a connection with death, but unlike Kate, it features
a male protagonist, 14-year-old Cole Fennety.
Cole’s search for a summer job (he wants to earn enough money to
purchase an expensive bike) leads him to Sam’s Shop, a small engine
repair business owned and operated by the elderly Sam Kerrigan, whose
reputation as the community’s curmudgeon is one that the reclusive and
taciturn Sam has deliberately cultivated. Over the summer holiday
months, however, Cole discovers that Sam’s crustiness is just a
facade, and the teen becomes very fond of the old man. Sam eventually
reveals to Cole that he has terminal cancer, and he swears Cole to
secrecy regarding his intention to commit suicide at summer’s end by
overdosing on pills to end the pain. Rather than see Sam die a solitary
death, Cole determines to be present as Sam goes into the light, a
commitment Cole somewhat reluctantly meets.
The book’s strength resides in the growing bond of affection between
Cole and Sam, but Sherrard, recognizing that this storyline cannot
sustain the book alone, also has Cole clumsily begin his first romantic
relationship and make the tough decision to terminate a long-time
friendship with his best buddy. Less successful are Sherrard’s
characterizations of Cole’s whiny younger sister and his
soap-opera–obsessed mother. Recommended.