What Elephant?


32 pages
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 1-55337-875-X
DDC jC813'.6





Reviewed by Linda Ludke

Linda Ludke is a children’s librarian at the London Public Library.


When George informs the neighbours that there is an elephant in his
house, no one believes him. His pleas for help are met with giggles and
instructions to get more sleep. Over the next few days, the
not-so-imaginary guest breaks the couch, eats all of the food, and blows
his enormous nose on the bedsheets. George doesn’t dare complain again
to his friends, so when Pip stops by he pretends everything is normal.

Pip can’t help but notice the pachyderm sunbathing in the backyard
(along with “the overpowering scent of coconut oil”), but he also
doesn’t say anything for fear of ridicule. A distraught circus trainer
looking for his escaped star performer is the voice of reason. When
everyone tries to explain the situation, “the little man laugh[s],
wondering how anyone could NOT see an elephant!”

The subtleties of peer pressure and the perils of ignoring the
proverbial elephant in the room are presented in a thoughtful and
entertaining manner. Cфté’s expressive, black-crayon line drawings
are washed with splashes of colour. The oversize creature dominates the
pages and he is humorously shown snoozing on a flattened, too-small bed
and using a tablecloth as a napkin. Highly recommended.


Côté, Geneviève., “What Elephant?,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/22223.