Pattie Pitter, She Hates Litter!


24 pages
ISBN 1-895415-66-7
DDC jC813'.54






Illustrations by Jeffrey C. Domm
Reviewed by Steve Pitt

Steve Pitt is a Toronto-based freelance writer and an award-winning journalist. He has written many young adult and children's books, including Day of the Flying Fox: The True Story of World War II Pilot Charley Fox.


Pattie Pitter has trash in her blood. Her father is a garbage man and
Pattie was raised on the gospel of recycle, return, reuse.
Unfortunately, her classmates are not with the program. Her schoolyard
is a complete dump. When Pattie attempts to show her classmates how to
clean up, instead of imitating they mock her. When Pattie attempts to
complain to her teacher, Miss Rubble, she is told to see the principal.
When Pattie attempts to complain to Principal Junket, she is told to see
the janitor. When Pattie attempts to complain to the janitor, Mr. Raggs,
he says she should talk to her classmates. Tired of the rubbish
runaround, Pattie goes on strike. In a few hours, her school is awash in
garbage. Only when her classmates and teachers cry for help does Pattie
call in the garbage men—but they refuse to pick up an ounce of trash
until it is properly sorted and bagged. Her school chums comply and when
the school is finally clean, they all cheer “Hooray for Pattie
Pitter—she hates litter!”

If you do not mind your reading material being more than a tad earnest,
this book might find a home on your bookshelf. Jeffrey Domm’s comical
illustrations help soften the somewhat dogmatic tone of the text.


Hickey, Jill., “Pattie Pitter, She Hates Litter!,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024,