Lu and Clancy's Spy Stuff


40 pages
ISBN 1-55074-693-6
DDC j327.12





Illustrations by Patricia Cupples
Reviewed by Elizabeth Levin

Elizabeth Levin is a professor of psychology at Laurentian University.


In the first two volumes in the series—Lu and Clancy’s Crime Science
(1999) and Lu and Clancy’s Secret Codes (1999)—the two clever canine
sleuths solved some puppy kidnappings and deciphered some codes. In this
third volume, Lu and Clancy discover some mysterious items in a trunk in
their attic and begin to wonder if their Aunt Izzy could be a spy. The
friends decide to design some disguises so they can follow her
undetected. After losing the trail, Lu and Clancy return to the attic
where they learn that she really is a spy. The story ends with Aunt Izzy
telling her nephews some real spy stories and providing spy tips.

Lu and Clancy’s Spy Stuff is an engaging story, and the accompanying
illustrations are colorful and appealing. What makes the book such a
treat, however, are the suggestions for spy activities incorporated
throughout. For example, the use of makeup and hair gel is recommended
to change one’s appearance, but parents might question the
advisability of stuffing cotton or gum in one’s cheeks to change
one’s facial appearance. (All tips should be checked out ahead of
time.) Cool suggestions are given on how to make spy glasses and spy
scopes, and on how to pass messages and use codes. Also included are
well-illustrated instructions on how to make room alarms and Morse Code
machines. While some of the gadgets will require a trip to the hardware
store, all in all this activity book is sure to provide hours of fun.
Highly recommended.


Mason, Adrienne., “Lu and Clancy's Spy Stuff,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 19, 2024,