Rock-A-Bye Baby
Contains Illustrations
ISBN 1-55074-572-7
DDC j398.8
Irene Punt is a published author and elementary-school teacher in
Calgary, Alberta.
Although the traditional nursery rhymes in these four, sturdy board
books remain the same, 10 stuffed-animal characters add a whole new
twist, telling a story of their own.
When Wee Willie Winkie finds his friends jumping on their bed, he joins
them for a pillow fight. Rabbit rows her boat down the stream,
collecting friends for a singing flight. The rooster flies the teddy
bear to a twinkling star, then brings it home for their friends to look
at. When the wind knocks baby bunny’s basket from the tree, the
friends catch her.
Talented author/illustrator Heather Collins has made each of the board
books a colorful adventure for the faux fur bunch. A sense of wonder and
enchantment is present throughout the set. Recommended.