How Can a Brilliant Detective Shine in the Dark?
ISBN 1-55074-750-9
DDC jC813'.54
Lisa Arsenault is an elementary-school teacher in Ajax, Ontario.
Thirteen-year-old Stevie and her male friend Jesse are visiting her
great-aunts on an island off the coast of Vancouver. It’s a family
reunion for her great-uncle, who has returned after an absence of 45
The prodigal’s return is surrounded by mystery, whose elements
include legendary gold from the Klondike gold rush and a sudden
disappearance. The plot thickens with secret caves, peculiar behavior on
practically everybody’s part, and an impersonation. Woven into the
suspense and intrigue are normal family-reunion activities, which help
to balance the plot.
This is a very entertaining read for both teens and adults. The plot is
complex and thought-provoking without every becoming labored or over the
top. The characters are extremely well drawn. Stevie and Jesse are
perfect foils for each other, and there’s the added nonstereotypical
attraction that Stevie is the dominant, more adventurous partner. She is
brave, intrepid, and also quick-thinking and witty, while Jesse is
staunch and supportive.
The author evokes a strong sense of atmosphere. Suspense builds, and
the reader empathizes with Jesse’s claustrophobia as we follow the two
detectives’ progress through the caves. There is some wonderful
descriptive writing, and the book is also humorous, with numerous funny
bits and witticisms on Stevie’s part and some good old-fashioned
slapstick. Highly recommended.