Beat the Sunset


96 pages
ISBN 0-88754-549-1
DDC C812'.54




Reviewed by Ian C. Nelson

Ian C. Nelson is assistant director of libraries at the University of
Saskatchewan, and président de la Troupe du Jour, Regina Summer Stage.


Just when one thinks one has had enough of books with the theme of
illness as metaphor, along comes Beat the Sunset, a Gordian knot of a
play that has deservedly won a whole handful of major awards. This is a
drama about living with AIDS, about coming out, about intimate
friendship, and about filial and parental relationships, but the
specific juxtaposition of elements, of poetry and dialogue, of memory
and lecture, and of sharply delineated yet unresolved issues is as
surprising as it is challenging. One can readily draw one’s reaction
from the words of the script itself: “I love watching these things
develop.” Among its awards, Beat the Sunset won the 1994 Theatrum
National Playwriting Competition. Michael MacLennan is also author of
the award-winning play Grace. Highly recommended.


MacLennan, Michael Lewis., “Beat the Sunset,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,